(A detailed overview of Andrzej's training and public speaking services can also be found in a downloadable PDF presentation.)

Andrzej's work with organizations typically revolves around crafting customized training solutions designed to meet their specific requirements and tackle their unique challenges. He's often asked to adopt a dual role, acting both as a facilitator and a troubleshooter, to directly engage with issues at hand and collaborate with teams on-site for optimal results.

His expertise lies in conducting training sessions and speaking engagements that empower professionals and leaders to enact meaningful, ethical decisions. He strives to create an atmosphere where employees feel motivated to contribute, promoting a sense of assurance, peace, and high-agency across both their personal and professional lives. Approaching each situation with a new perspective, Andrzej seeks the best strategies and solutions.

All his services are available in both English and Polish. He also provides them as webinars or online lectures. His studio is outfitted with high-quality microphones and cameras, ensuring a professional experience.

Within Andrzej's portfolio, he offers five pre-designed training and public speaking modules:


This program is Andrzej's most sought-after, delivering a comprehensive exploration of my high-efficiency concept. It effectively teaches the five critical steps to greater autonomy, self-acceptance, social accountability, leadership, and efficiency, enabling quicker and smoother navigation through life's various hurdles. Graduates of this training emerge as high-agency individuals, adept at nurturing both their wellbeing and that of others. 

This isn't just about dodging life's curveballs—it's about knocking them out of the park. Say goodbye to workplace apathy and hello to a life where you're the captain, steering towards wellbeing for you and yours.

This methodology is proven to mitigate and even reverse the symptoms of professional burnout, significantly benefiting participants' personal lives.

What's the value: The program instills vital psycho-emotional skills essential for avoiding overwhelm by responsibilities, which can lead to mood dips or signs of burnout.

Intended audience: Ideal for anyone feeling besieged by the demands of modern life, seeking to improve their day-to-day functioning, handle life's challenges with greater serenity, tackle problems more effectively, and experience fewer moments of feeling overwhelmed.


Traditional management strategies often don't hold up under today's intricate, volatile, and undefined conditions, commonly known as "VUCA." In such a challenging landscape, it's not enough to merely motivate your team and oversee their tasks; they need something more profound, a guidance. Echoing Simon Sinek's famous theory, it's about uncovering a sense of purpose, answering the pivotal question: "why are we even trying?" This training not only makes finding that purpose possible but also makes it a compelling experience for everyone involved.

This training incorporates Robert Cialdini's "Principle of Unity" and the "rule of common meaning" derived from Viktor Frankl's work. 

It's about forging a squad that's tight-knit, forward-thinking, and ready to take on the world.

What's the value: This program rejuvenates crucial motivation and management practices and supplements them with essential strategies for fostering a united, mature, and responsibly led community.

Target audience: Ideal for leaders, teams, or organizations intent on nurturing their employees in a supportive and conscientious way, aiming to elevate their professional prowess.


In the realm of business psychology, despite an abundance of theories and extensive research, a particular style of leadership emerges as most effective for both leading teams and the leaders themselves. This approach entails refining specific attitudes and mastering a suite of straightforward, yet powerfully synergistic communication tools. Our training offers this comprehensive, straightforward-to-apply methodology.

This training focuses on the psychological principles of building influence, trust, and respect within a group. No psychotechniques involved.

What's the value: This training equips individuals with the skills necessary for any leadership role, fostering a sense of social responsibility that ensures every team member feels acknowledged and valued by their leaders.

Target audience: Anyone eager to lead with integrity and effectiveness, regardless of generational differences (the training addresses understanding across generations, often a key to resolving conflicts).


This program offers a compassionate yet actionable approach to supporting individuals and teams through abrupt or extensive changes. Whether it's navigating market mergers, the advent of artificial intelligence, or sudden organizational restructuring, it's understandable for individuals to greet such changes with skepticism and caution. However, this training turns those reactions into momentum and preparedness for action.

This training doesn't aim to create a "new sense of security." Instead, it cultivates "flexible resilience" in participants.

What's the value: This course deflates the anxiety and uncertainty bubble in such a way that participants can articulate, confront, and acclimate to their fears. This facilitates a seamless transition to readiness for addressing new challenges independently.

Target audience
: It's designed for individuals or teams experiencing apprehension or uncertainty due to imminent or current organizational changes.


A thorough training program focused on essential skills for overcoming cognitive overload and efficiently managing information, responsibilities, and stress. It leverages the most effective strategies for thriving in so-called VUCA conditions (i.e., significant market uncertainty), offering, most importantly, a suite of immediately  actionable tools.

This training addresses one of the most overlooked yet by many considered the most crucial needs of modern people.

What's the value
: This training aids overwhelmed individuals or teams by not only enhancing their well-being and mental state but also by positively affecting their company's business outcomes.

Target audience
: It's tailored for professionals or teams feeling overwhelmed despite their expertise. This course also lays the foundation for building a comprehensive information management strategy from scratch.